Can't figure out how to refresh Kendo Form control (MultiColumnComboBox)

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Data Source Form MultiColumnComboBox
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Ryan asked on 28 Oct 2021, 02:26 PM

Hi, I'm using the kendo form to build an 'order form'.

The form has pre-existing Vendors to select which cascades to a list of pre-existing Sites (Customers).
However, I also need to be able to add sites - which I have done via a POST method.

The issue that I am facing is that after I have done this, I can't figure out how to refresh the 'SiteCode' MultiColumnComboBox - nothing I have tried is able to get the control to populate with the new data, even though i am able to see the new data in the local array that it's being stored in.

I have tried multiple methods of implementing the transportation layer

  • Using 'read()' on varying objects (can't figure out which one is correct for a form object) to no effect
  • Setting the SiteCode dataSource to a secondary "filtered" list which is filled by the VendorCode select event
  • Using 'serverfiltering' and a standard kendo remote dataSource but unfortunately I don't believe the API I am working with is compatible with the server filtering options (I can only filter by adding a parameter to the url e.g. '&fltFilterName=FilterValue')

    Below are the two main objects I am concerned with:
    field: "VendorName", editor: "MultiColumnComboBox", label: "Partner/Vendor Name:", validation: { required: true },
    delay: 0,
    editorOptions: {
        placeholder: "Select vendor",
        dataTextField: "VendorName",
        dataValueField: "VendorCode",
        height: 300,
        columns: [
            { field: "VendorName", title: "Vendor Name:", width: 300 },
            { field: "VendorCode", title: "Vendor Code:", width: 150 },
            { field: "TerritoryCode", title: "Territory Code:", width: 150 },
            { field: "TerritoryName", title: "Territory Name:", width: 300 },
        filter: "contains",
    field: "SiteName",
    label: "Site Name:",
    delay: 0,
    validation: { required: true },
    editor: "MultiColumnComboBox",
    editorOptions: {
        autoBind: false,
        placeholder: "New site name",
        dataTextField: "SiteName",
        dataValueField: "SiteName",
        cascadeFrom: "VendorName",
        height: 400,
        columns: [
            { field: "VendorCode", title: "Vendor Code:", width: 200},
            { field: "SiteCode", title: "Site Code:", width: 200 },
            { field: "SiteName", title: "Site Name:", width: 300 },
            { field: "warning", width: 200,
                template: '<span style="padding: 8px 9px !important;" class="badge-general badge-#:data.Status#">#:data.DaysRemaining# Days Remaining</span>',
                headerTemplate: ' '
        filter: "contains",
        dataSource: slData.sites,
        select: selectSiteName,
        noDataTemplate: $("#noDataTemplate").html(),
        dataBound: function() {
The attempt at using the native datasource went something like this:

dataSource: {
    transport: {
        read: createDataURL("Order", "CustomerVendorSite", `&fltVendorCode=${getFormVendorCode()}` ) , 
        dataType: "json",
        cache: false,
    filter: { field: "SiteCode", operator: "eq", value: }

In addition, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but the "autoBind: false" property doesn't seem to be doing anything.

I hope you can help - I've been stuck on this for hours and I'm at wits end!


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answered on 02 Nov 2021, 11:46 AM

Hi Ryan,

I would suggest you try using the refresh method after the new data is retrieved.


Another possible approach is to use the setDataSource method.

In the Dojo example linked here, the dataSource of the MultiColumnComboBox is changed on a button click.

I hope this helps.

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commented on 12 Nov 2021, 02:27 AM

Thanks for that Neli - appreciate it.
Data Source Form MultiColumnComboBox
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