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Kendo UI for jQuery Forum
1 answer
Is there any way to make a FileManager widget that will allow for the uploading of both files and folders? I see that the 'directory' option of the Upload prevents the selection of files - - but I can't understand the logic here. Why would this be the case? In any event, if this must be the case, then is there a way to replace the upload widget inside of the FileManager widget on the fly, via a custom toolbar option? Even that would suffice. Or possibly have two upload widgets associated with the FileManager? One for files, and one for directories? If I have to, I'll implement a complete destruction and rebuild of the FileManager in order to facilitate this, but that's obviously far from ideal, especially if users are wanting to upload several different things in a single sitting.
Telerik team
 answered on 27 Mar 2024
1 answer

Hi !

hello. Below is a simple test page.




A counter for kendosplitter  resize event and a counter for splitbar's dragenter event.

It should be resize cnt = dragenter + 1.

But, the more you go on, the more you go on, the more time goes by.
The gap widens. The difference increases.

Is there any way to strengthen dragenter's recognition?
How can dragenter events always be recognized?
Why isn't the dragenter event recognized properly?
I am very worried about this issue.

Thank you for reading.

Telerik team
 answered on 07 Feb 2024
1 answer

We have an existing Kendo Grid inside a Bootstrap Collapse. We are attempted to enable the Drag & Drop functionality on it. If the Collapse starts out visible, it works as expected; if the Collapse starts out collapsed, drag-and-drop does not work. You can drag, but you can't drop.

I attempted to swap out the Bootstrap Collapse for a Kendo ExpansionPanel, but it suffered the same issues: it works if pre-expanded, and not if pre-collapsed.

Dojo for Collapse

Dojo for ExpansionPanel

I don't see this noted in the known limitations. Is there anything we're doing incorrectly, or is this a bug?

Telerik team
 answered on 20 Jun 2023
1 answer

Good day, 

When I'm dragging a row, if I hover over the insert indicator on the left of the grid it causes the tooltip (and sometimes the whole row) to flicker/flash, Ive noticed this issue exists on the tutorial page too, is there a work around for this?

The tutorial I used:

Kind regards


Telerik team
 answered on 31 Mar 2023
1 answer


There are question as below, I could not provide a code snippet because for editing require an API which are not available as development is in progress

  • can I know is there a way to get the response code / response message after the API is call. For example code below, after the create API call I would like to get the response code example 200 or 500 so that we can manipulate error message that require to show for user. Example if kendo taskboard it have "requestEnd" event
transport: {
	read: {
		url: crudServiceBaseUrl ,
		dataType: "json"
	create: {
		url: crudServiceBaseUrl + "/add",
		dataType: "json"
	update: {
		url: crudServiceBaseUrl + "/update",
		dataType: "json"
	destroy: {
		url: crudServiceBaseUrl + "/delete",
		dataType: "json"
	parameterMap: function (options, operation) {
		if (operation !== "read" && options.models) {
			return { models: kendo.stringify(options.models) };
  • when I perform  transport "destroy", I realize that it will first remove the node before calling API. I wonder what happen if I fail to remove from our own logic (hit issues when remove from database) then how can we revert the node? 
  • Is it in treelist we can get parent value and assign to a hidden field? Treelist only support number for id and parentid (hierarchy), howeer in our case we use GUID. Therefore, I generate number just for hierarchy display (and drag and drop) purpose. However the models only recognize the parentid but not guid that is from other field.
  • on my page I reliaze that sometimes the jquery are calling the API and sometimes not? Is it related to the placement file of my kendo script versus jquery file?
  • When I add new item, from backend we success to trigger and I return response 200 and model data as per below

however from front-end it will never append. I follow exact implementation from the snippet / tutorial, accept the response type 
Telerik team
 answered on 23 Feb 2023
1 answer


On the roadmap page there is a "Dock Manager Component" listed, but I don't see any information on this anywhere.

Anyone have more information or an ETA on this?




1 answer


Reordering rows using the draggable column might seem a bit buggy, as you have to move the cursor to the right before dropping to reorder the rows successfully, as can be seen in the following example . It would be nice if dragging and dropping directly above and below (inside the draggable column) would work without moving the cursor to the right, but I can't seem to make this work. Could somebody please help me with this?

Thanks in advance!

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 updated question on 15 Jul 2022
1 answer

I am successfully using the drag and drop feature in an editable grid. The grid is using batch update, so after a row is moved, I need to somehow notify the user they need to click the save option in my toolbar. 

Modifying any cell data automatically flags the cell as dirty, but drag drop does not. Ideally, I would like the red dirty flag to show up in the draggable cell, so not to be confused with a data change to that row. 

I know there is a rowReorder event I can leverage, however so far I'm struggling to manually flag the cell as dirty. I've tried getting the item by Uid and setting item.dirty = true, but this isn't adding the visual cue.

Here is my grid definition:
	dataSource: dataSource,
	columns: [
		{draggable: true, width: '45px' },
		{command: ['destroy'], title: 'Action', width: 100 },
		{field: 'Field', title: 'Field', width: 125 },
		{field: 'Required', title: 'Required', width: 90 },
		{field: 'Type', title: 'Type', width: 100 },
		{field: 'Length', title: 'Length', width: 100 },
		{field: 'Allow_Multiple', title: 'Allow Multiple', width: 125 },
		{field: 'Description', title: 'Description' },
		{field: 'Example', title: 'Example' },
		{field: 'Notes', title: 'Notes' },
	toolbar: [
			template: '<a id="preNotesButton" class="k-button k-button-md k-button-rectangle k-rounded-md k-button-solid k-button-solid-base"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt"></span> Edit notes</a>'
			template: '<a id="exitButton" class="k-button k-button-md k-button-rectangle k-rounded-md k-button-solid k-button-solid-base" style="float: right;"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-left"></span> Exit</a>'
	editable: {
		'mode': 'incell',
		'confirmation': 'Are you sure you want to delete this item?',
		'createAt': 'bottom',
	navigatable: true,
	reorderable: {
		rows: true
	rowReorder: function(e) {
		// How can I flag the draggable cell as dirty?
		uid = e.row[0].dataset.uid;
		dataSource = $('#grid').data('kendoGrid').dataSource;
		item = dataSource.getByUid(uid);
		item.dirty = true;

Georgi Denchev
Telerik team
 answered on 30 Mar 2022
2 answers


I'm new here and I'm trying to figure out how can I drag and drop from a Grid to a TreeView

I found this example

It's something like this what I want to do, but in the example I can't put an element in a certain node of the TreeView, I just add elements to the data source. So how can I do that? I need your help


PS. I also want to do this with a listbox instead of a grid. That's possible?

Telerik team
 answered on 15 Dec 2021
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